Town of Sharon Planning Board

Meeting Minutes of 9/2/09

Amended and Approved on 9/16/09



Planning Board Attendees

Paul Lauenstein, Chair 

Susan Price, Vice Chair

Eli Hauser

Amanda Sloan

David Milowe, Clerk 



Peter O’Cain, Town Engineer, Consultant



Brian Cook, Sharon Advocate

Jane Desberg

Susan Saunders

Bob Shelmerdine

Tom Houston



Chair Report

The meeting was called to order at 7:35 PM by Chair Paul Lauenstein who read the Chair’s Report. A small discussion ensued between the Board members regarding the legal ad for the Brickstone properties related public hearing scheduled for September 16th, 2009.


Form A’s/Sign Reviews



Sharon Housing Partnership

Ms. Jane Desberg and Ms. Susan Saunders representing the Sharon Housing Partnership requested the warrant article regarding abandoning the property at Johnson Drive be reintroduced at Town Meeting. They stated that they have met with the property owner and also requested a $25,000 grant from the Community Preservation Committee to determine if the property is viable to build two to three affordable homes. Article 6 from last year’s Town Meeting would need to be reinstated. Mr. O’Cain commented that the article will not be taken to Town Meeting without an agreement with the abutting property owner, Mr. Sadek. The land covers approximately 60,000 square feet.  Ms. Saunders stated that they do not have a lot of definite information. The project is in the exploring stage right now and they will stop the process if at any time the feasibility is not there. Mr. O’Cain said that he could do a presentation on the abandonment of the existing right-of-ways for the Board. Since it is not a zoning change he stated that the Selectmen could sponsor the article, if they agreed to


Ms. Desberg reported that the proposal to relocate one of the houses at Bella Estates to Hixson Farm for affordable housing had been voted down by the Housing Authority. Mr. Hauser and Mr. Lauenstein offered to attend a meeting with the Housing Authority to explain Sharon’s need for affordable housing.  Mr. Hauser stated that affordable housing is a top priority. Mr. Lauenstein stated that he is interested in reaching the 40B quota and this would be a step in the right direction.


Bella Estates – Landscape Plan

Mr. Shelmerdine came to let the Board know that the Intoccia Company is working on a landscape plan for the Bella Estates property. They have hired an architect and the plan could be ready within two weeks. He stated that there is no legal requirement to hold a meeting regarding the plan. However, Mr. Shelmerdine said he is in favor of facilitating communication and would like to get the plan to the Board. He will also send written notice via certified mail to the abutters regarding the updated plan. Ms. Sloan let the Board know that Mr. Shelmerdine’s architect had contacted her for her opinions and thoughts on the plan. He said he could put copies at the library for the abutters’ review. Mr. Lauenstein suggested putting the plan on the website. Mr. Shelmerdine stated that he had 45 days to submit an endorsed set of original approved subdivision plans and will first provide them to Mr. O’Cain for review. The plan will be presented at the 9/30 meeting.


Light Industrial District

Tom Houston provided the Board with an overview of the status of the Light Industrial District article. He had sent the Board the language for review and comment.  Mr. Lauenstein stated that because this is in a ground water protection district it needs special consideration. The article asks that allowances for use be expanded and he does not think there are enough restrictions.


Mr. O’Cain commented that the language is similar to what is in Business District D and that he talked to the Conservation Commission. He said that he would ask Greg Meister to provide the Board with an opinion letter regarding the changes.


Mr. Lauenstein said he had reservations because of the length of the list of allowable new uses. Mr. Hauser would like a line by line summation of the changes, whether additional new or deleted items. Mr. Houston commented that in doing a peer review, what Attorney Macchi presented was that the property owner wanted to increase his option on what could be located there. He said he reviewed the uses and in his judgment the uses do not have unintended consequences. He said it clarifies uses in the district by right, or not. It eliminated redundancies and inconsistencies. It put in additional controls: site plan review, environmental and design control over the site, specifically the parking lots. Mr. Houston said he would recommend the language of the articles as appropriate for adoption by Town Meeting. Protective measures were added that were in the Town’s interest. He provided the Board with an overview of the article and the Board proceeded with discussion.

Ms. Price asked Mr. Houston to email a list of uses which were inserted, those which were removed and those which were retained in the article, as compared to the existing Zoning Bylaw. Mr. Houston said the proponent needs the Board to sponsor the article. The Board discussed the sponsorship of the article and Ms. Price said it should be the Planning Board, Ms. Sloan said she does not have enough information yet to make a decision. Mr. Hauser said he was comfortable with either the Planning Board or Board of Selectmen as sponsor.  Mr. Milowe said he also did not have enough information to make the decision and Mr. Lauenstein said he is not inclined to have the Board to sponsor the article but he still has an open mind.

Eisenhower Drive

Mr. O’Cain presented the Eisenhower Drive acceptance as a public roadway topic. He stated that the Board of Selectmen has to vote to lay down the roadway, which means to proceed with claiming the roadway as Town property. Abutters will be notified and can comment and if there is any issue, the hearing can be continued. The Selectmen’s hearing is the night before the Planning Board’s. Mr. O’Cain said that all sidewalks have been ripped up and regraded, the infiltration trench is not in, the lights have not been replaced and street trees need to be planted


Meeting Minutes

·        Ms. Price moved to approve the minutes of 7/22/09 as amended. Mr. Milowe seconded the motion and the Board voted 5-0-0 in favor.

·        Ms. Price moved to approve the minutes of 8/12/09 as amended. Mr. Lauenstein seconded the motion and the Board voted 5-0-0 in favor.

·        Ms. Price moved to approve the minutes of 8/14/09 as amended. Mr. Hauser seconded the motion and the Board voted 3-0-2 in favor. (Mr. Milowe and Ms. Sloan abstained because they were not in attendance on 8/14/09).



Chair Lauenstein brought up the topic as to whether abutters should receive special notification regarding the Brickstone public hearing, specifically in the form of a postcard. There is no legal requirement to do so, he said, but the topic is of great interest to the community.


Mr. Milowe said you need to analyze the cost of communication, the issue of precedent, does it create policy and the fact that Attorney Gelerman does not think it is a good idea.  Ms. Sloan commented that we are elected to advocate for the interest of the people.  Mr. Milowe stated that there is a point in time when you have to say the legal requirements are met. It is the abutter’s obligation to know and there should be no deviation from the statutory requirements. Mr. Hauser said he thinks it is better to write a letter to the Advocate and to notify other Town Boards. Mr. Lauenstein agreed to write a letter for the Advocate and to notice other Boards. Mr. Hauser said that issuing postcards to some residents and not all, show biases.



Other Business

1.  Mr. O’Cain stated that on 9/5 the porous pavement is being put down on Lakeview Street. Ms. Sloan commented that the Planning Board should require low impact development techniques be used by developers.


2.  Mr. Houston’s invoice was not paid by Mr. Intoccia and Mr. Lauenstein said he forwarded an email to Mr. Intoccia requesting that it be paid.


3.  Ms. Price discussed the memo regarding the Post Office Square MUOD for the Town of Sharon review.


4.  Ms. Price also said she was working on modifications to the Sign Bylaws.


5.  Ms. Sloan volunteered to be the Planning Board representative to the Community Preservation Committee. Ms. Price nominated Ms. Sloan as Planning Board representative to the Community Preservation Committee. Mr. Milowe seconded the motion. The Board voted 4-0-1 in favor. Ms. Sloan abstained.



Ms. Price moved to close the Planning Board meeting at 10:00 PM. Mr. Milowe seconded the motion and the Board voted 5-0-0 in favor.